FKP webinars are free and open to the public. No certificate is given for attendance.
Past seminars – links to videos and slides
[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Book discussion. Ending fossil fuel subsidies: the politics of saving the planet
FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Neil McCulloch (Director of The Policy Practice, UK). Wednesday, 5 April 2023. KEY POINTS: Fossil fuel subsidies are causing harm to people and the environment, promoting excessive consumption of fossil fuels, exacerbating pollution and climate change, and wasting large sums of money that [...]
[FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Beyond wedlock: challenging child marriage perceptions among teenagers and parents in Indonesia
FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia with Milda Irhamni (J-PAL Southeast Asia), Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo (Universitas Gadjah Mada and J-PAL Southeast Asia), and Santi Kusumaningrum (PUSKAPA/Center for Child Protection and Well Being, Universitas Indonesia). Thursday, 16 March 2023. KEY POINTS: Child marriage remains a significant global issue. In 2020 it [...]
[FKP hosted by Program INOVASI] Kepemimpinan perempuan di bidang pendidikan di Indonesia
FKP dengan tuan rumah Program INOVASI dengan narasumber Dirga Ardiansa (Cakra Wikara Indonesia), Cici T Wanita (INSPIRASI Foundation), Dr Praptono (Direktorat Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi), dan Dr Muhammad Zain (Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, Kementerian Agama). Jumat, 10 Maret 2023. KEY POINTS: Kepemimpinan perempuan [...]
2023 FKP Roadshow at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Small and medium enterprises are a significant source of income and employment in many developing countries, including Indonesia. In addition to directly supplying products and services to consumers, they also play a role in exporting and in supplying products and services to larger enterprises. Additionally, small enterprises can play a [...]
[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Does the shift from autocracy to democracy in Indonesia change people’s behavior?
FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Lury Sofyan (Indonesia Ministry of Finance). Thursday, 12 January 2023. KEY POINTS: This study explores the shift from autocracy to democracy in Indonesia and how it influences individual behavior in terms of intrinsic honesty. The study utilized a mind game as a tool [...]
[FKP hosted by PSHK] Melindungi ruang, menjaga harapan. Diskusi & peluncuran laporan studi Kerangka Hukum Pelindungan Civic Space di Indonesia
FKP dengan tuan rumah PSHK dengan narasumber Atnike Nova Sigiro (Ketua Komnas HAM), Herlambang P. Wiratraman (Pengajar Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada), Muhammad Isnur (Ketua Umum YLBHI), dan Rizky Argama (Peneliti PSHK). Rabu, 21 Desember 2022. KEY POINTS: Kebebasan berpendapat dan berekspresi di Indonesia masih menghadapi banyak hambatan, termasuk pelanggaran [...]
[FKP hosted by PSHK] Merawat asa masyarakat sipil mendorong penataan pemilu
FKP dengan tuan rumah PSHK dengan narasumber Hadar Nafis Gumay (NETGRIT), Feri Amsari (PUSaKO), Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati (Perludem), dan Muhammad Nur Ramadhan (PSHK). Selasa, 13 Desember 2022. KEY POINTS: Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (Perppu) No.1 Tahun 2022 tentang perubahan UU Pemilu No.7 Tahun 2017 dinilai tidak cukup mengakomodir perbaikan-perbaikan yang [...]
[FKP hosted by PSHK] Refleksi dan urgensi reformasi hukum pemilu
FKP dengan tuan rumah PSHK dengan narasumber Fritz Edward Siregar, SH, LLM, PhD (Pengajar Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera dan Anggota Badan Pengawas Pemilu RI 2017-2022). Kamis, 8 Desember 2022. KEY POINTS: Pemerintah dan DPR RI telah memutuskan untuk tidak melakukan revisi terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan [...]
[FKP hosted by PSHK] Peluang dan tantangan penataan penyelenggaraan PEMILU menuju PEMILU serentak 2024
FKP dengan tuan rumah PSHK dengan narasumber Saan Mustopa (Komisi II DPR RI), Arief Budiman (NETGRIT, Ketua KPU RI periode 2017-2021), Hurriyah (Pusat Kajian Politik FISIP UI), M. Nur Ramadhan (PSHK). Selasa, 6 Desember 2022. KEY POINTS: Tidak diubahnya Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan Umum akan menjadikan kondisi [...]
[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Promoting vaccination take-up at the Last Mile: evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural Indonesia
FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Armand Sim (Monash University). Tuesday, 15 November 2022. KEY POINTS: A study in rural Indonesia conducted a randomized door-to-door information campaign aimed at promoting COVID-19 vaccination among unvaccinated individuals. The study recruited health cadres, influential individuals, and laypersons as ambassadors to deliver evidence-based [...]
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