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Past seminars – links to videos and slides
[FKP at Article 33] Mendorong Ekonomi yang Lebih Hijau
Being a country that is highly dependent on natural resources, Indonesia has always been at risk of the “Dutch Disease” or the resource curse where development in the resource-rich sector suppresses growth in other sectors. With that in mind, attempts of creating a greener, more sustainable economy have risen in [...]
[FKP at Article 33] Wajib Belajar 12 Tahun, apa yang sudah dicapai?
The Government of Indonesia’s goal of achieving 12 years of compulsory education has spurred questions regarding how far we are from said target. On Wednesday, 12 September 2018, Article 33 hosted the second FKP event in September entitled Wajib Belajar 12 Tahun, Apa yang Sudah Dicapai? at The Akmani Hotel, [...]
[FKP at Article 33] How do Indonesians’ perception of inequality shape their support for redistribution?
Inequality is an issue that has been highly addressed by both the government and the general public. The current government claimed that reducing wealth disparity is one of their main priorities. Likewise, a 2014 World Bank study revealed that most Indonesians are quite concerned about the subject. However, the same [...]
[FKP at BAPPENAS] Education, Informal Turnover, and Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia
On 16 August 2018, Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP Seminar in Jakarta on the topic of labor market and poverty dynamics by Nuri Taufiq (Statistics Indonesia, BPS). The labor market in Indonesia are dominated by informal and unskilled workers (58.35% share in 2017) [...]
[FKP at BAPPENAS] A Decade Study of Agriculture Households in Indonesia: The Role of Land and Labor Mobility on Poverty and Welfare Dynamics
On 16 August 2018, ementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP Seminar in Jakarta on the topic of poverty and welfare dynamics. Faizal Rahmanto Moeis (Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia) presented his study on the role of land and labor mobility on poverty and [...]
[FKP at BAPPENAS] Unambitious Average Target Syndrome? The Ambiguity of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in a Decentralized Polity
Speaker M. Roudo (BAPPENAS) On 16 August 2018, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP Seminar in Jakarta on the topic of government service. Mohammad Roudo (BAPPENAS) presented his study on this topic which aimed to assess the influence of an assigned standard on public service [...]
[FKP at BAPPENAS] Economic Crisis and Early Childhood Cognitive Development in Indonesia
On 14 August 2018, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) hosted the FKP Seminar in Jakarta. Milda Irhamni (J-PAL Southeast Asia) presented her doctoral thesis on the topic of cognitive development in Indonesia. Her research was motivated by the conflicting results of previous studies regarding to the impact [...]
[FKP at CSIS Indonesia] The Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum 2018
On Monday, 9 July 2018, CSIS Indonesia and ANU Indonesia Project hosted one of the main events of Forum Kajian Pembangunan, The Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum (HSPF) 2018. The HSPF is an annual event in honor of Hadi Soesastro, one of the founders of CSIS Indonesia and a prominent Indonesian [...]
[FKP at WRI Indonesia and RCCC UI] Towards Sustainability and Equity for Local Communities and Indigenous People
On Wednesday, 6 June 2018, World Resource Institute (WRI) Indonesia and Research Center for Climate Change Universitas Indonesia (RCCC UI) jointly hosted the sole FKP Seminar of the month. The main theme of the FKP was social forestry and customary land, and there were five speakers: Dimas Fauzi (WRI Indonesia), [...]
[FKP at LPEM FEB UI] Determination of Willingness to Pay for Water Utilities
On Friday, 25 May 2018, LPEM FEB UI hosted the last FKP seminar in Maywith a presentation by Prani Sastiono (LPEM FEB UI) on pricing strategy policy in controlling demand for water in Tangerang. As water is an essential aspect for human activities, understanding the demand for water is important. [...]
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