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Tuesday, 22 October 2024. Masa depan perekonomian Bali: riset terkini tentang transformasi pertanian dan kemaritiman pasca pandemi

Kinerja ekonomi Bali tidak terlepas dari perkembangan kinerja pariwisata. Namun Pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan sektor pariwisata menjadi lumpuh seiring dengan pembatasan mobilitas orang. Kunjungan wisatawan ke Bali bahkan menurun hingga 83% sehingga Provinsi Bali sempat mengalami kontraksi ekonomi paling parah di Indonesia dengan tingkat penurunan [...]

Past seminars – links to videos and slides

[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Indonesia’s Disability Law and International Civil Law Bill

Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK or the Indonesian Foundation for Law and Policy Studies) hosted an FKP seminar on Wednesday, 12 December 2018, discussing two subjects: Law Number 8 of 2016 on The Disabled by Fajri Nursyamsi and the International Civil Law Bill by M. Faiz Aziz. To [...]

By | January 30th, 2019|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

BIES Economic Dialogue 2018 hosted by CEDS Universitas Padjadjaran

Speakers (l-r) T Yudo Wicaksono, Dante Rigmalia, and Mohammad Fahmi Now in its 6th year, the BIES Dialogue was held on 13 November 2018  hosted by the Center for Economic and Development Studies (CEDS), Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung. The topic of the Dialogue is ‘Early Educational Experience and Later Education [...]

By | January 30th, 2019|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , |

[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Regulations Reform and Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism

On Wednesday, 19 December 2018, Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK or the Indonesian Foundation for Law and Policy Studies) hosted a FKP event, consisting of two subjects: institutional approach in regulations reform in Indonesia by M. Nur Solikhin, and Presidential Decree no. 13 regarding the beneficial owner of [...]

By | January 28th, 2019|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

Seminar Kebencanaan hosted by IRSA, LPEM FEB UI, and ANU Indonesia Project

Being located in the Ring of Fire, natural disasters are not something that Indonesia is unfamiliar with, yet more needs to be done to improve mitigation and community rebuilding. On Tuesday, 13 November 2018 Indonesia Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with LPEM FEB UI and The ANU Indonesia Project [...]

By | January 28th, 2019|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

[FKP hosted by The SMERU Research Institute] Evaluation of the Indonesia Village Law Three Years since its Implementation

In 2014 the Indonesia Village Law (Law No. 6) recognising village authority and rights was introduced. Since the implementation of the Village Law, villages are perceived as self-governing communities and local self-governments. As a result villages are given more authority and facilities in the form of funding and training from [...]

By | December 22nd, 2018|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , |

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Human Resource Development and the Labour Market

The quality of human capital and the dominance of informal sector jobs are some of the biggest challenges for Indonesia’s labor market. What factors influence the development of human capital in Indonesia? What are the links between formal and informal sectors in Indonesia? These topics were discussed in a the [...]

By | December 22nd, 2018|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Youth development and SDGs in Indonesia

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was introduced in 2012 and are set to be achieved by the year 2030. By then, youth would be the successor of the nation. With that in mind, the current state of youth development in Indonesia becomes detrimental to the achievements of SDGs in the future. [...]

By | December 8th, 2018|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] School Leadership in Indonesia

  Previous studies have found that school leadership is a crucial factor in determining the quality of schools. On Thursday, 11 October 2018, The SMERU Research Institute hosted a FKP event discussing school leadership in Indonesia with presentations by Hendarman (Head of Analysis and Policy Synchronization, Ministry of Education and [...]

By | December 8th, 2018|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

[FKP at The SMERU Research Institute] Policies to reduce inequality

Indonesia has seen a declining rate of inequality in recent years. However, persistently high rates of inequality show that more needs to be done. On Monday, 8 October 2018, the first FKP event of the month was hosted by The SMERU Research Institute at Morrissey Hotel, Jakarta. Matthew Martin (Development [...]

[FKP Media Coverage by ABC] Sanitasi Sekolah Buruk di Indonesia Sebabkan Siswa Putus Sekolah

Buruknya fasilitas sanitasi di sekolah membuat sebagian besar pelajar perempuan di Indonesia jarang mengganti pembalut ketika menstruasi. Praktek ini berdampak pada meningkatnya risiko gangguan kesehatan pada sistem reproduksi hingga proses belajar mereka di sekolah dan sebagian membuat siswa memutuskan tidak melanjutkan sekolah. Hal ini terungkap dalam sebuah studi yang baru [...]

By | November 26th, 2018|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

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