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Tuesday, 22 October 2024. Masa depan perekonomian Bali: riset terkini tentang transformasi pertanian dan kemaritiman pasca pandemi

Kinerja ekonomi Bali tidak terlepas dari perkembangan kinerja pariwisata. Namun Pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan sektor pariwisata menjadi lumpuh seiring dengan pembatasan mobilitas orang. Kunjungan wisatawan ke Bali bahkan menurun hingga 83% sehingga Provinsi Bali sempat mengalami kontraksi ekonomi paling parah di Indonesia dengan tingkat penurunan [...]

Past seminars – links to videos and slides

[FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Revitalisasi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) untuk Menjawab Tantangan Pasar Tenaga Kerja

The quality of human resources is said to be the main focus of the Indonesian government in the next 5 years. However, the quality of education, especially vocational education has remained unresolved despite past attempts of revitalization. Regarding this issue, Article 33 Indonesia hosted an FKP event on Thursday, 26 [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] The Long-Term Effect of Stunting on Adult Life Outcome in Indonesia

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI Combatting all forms of malnutrition is one of the objectives of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Member states, including Indonesia, have put in effort to improve nutritional conditions of children in the country, yet Indonesia still has one of the highest stunting [...]

[FKP hosted by BKF and PROSPERA] Alternative Policy for LPG Subsidy in Indonesia

The LPG subsidy program in Indonesia began in 2007 as an effort to phase out the use of kerosene as the main cooking fuel for poor households and micro businesses in Indonesia. The consumption of subsidized LPG continued to increase, reaching more than 6.5 billion kilograms in 2018, and making [...]

By | January 8th, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

[FKP hosted by Article 33 Indonesia] Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Desa melalui Pembangunan Desa yang Inklusif

Developing and empowering villages have been one of the main focus of the government in recent years. To improve the welfare of village citizens, inclusive community participation is a vital component that needs to be ensured. On Thursday, 12 September 2019, Article 33 Indonesia hosted an FKP event in Hotel [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Negotiating work, family and the traffic

Despite women’s increasing participation in the work force, female workers are still disproportionately subjected to household and care duties in comparison to their male counterparts. Aside from having to constantly negotiate between the two, middle-class women often resort to hiring babysitters. On Thursday, 29 August 2019, Lembaga Demografi FEB UI [...]

By | December 23rd, 2019|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Conservatising The Muslim Middle Class in Neo-Liberal Indonesia

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI   Since the dawn of Reformasi, symbols and cultural practices of Islamic identity has become more visible in the public sphere. Interestingly, this phenomenon coincides with the time of rapid growth of Indonesia’s democracy and consumption. Having observed this change, Inaya Rakhmani (Faculty of [...]

By | December 23rd, 2019|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

[The 13th Sadli Lecture] Designing Anti-Poverty Programs in Emerging Economies in the 21st Century: Lessons from Indonesia for the World

Left to right: Arie Damayanti (moderator), Ari Kuncoro (Dean of FEB UI), Ben Olken (13th Sadli Lecture speaker), M. Ikhsan (Vice President’s Office), Riatu Qibthiyyah (LPEM FEB UI), Firman Witoelar (ANU Indonesia Project) and Denny Admiral (relative of the late Professor Sadli) The 13th Sadli Lecture is an annual event [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Social Programs and Social Justice in Indonesia: Citizens’ Evaluation of the Quality of Social Programs

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI Indonesia has a number of social programs that aim to give protection to the people. However, there have not been any official audits or evaluation of these programs that actively involve the public. In regard to this issue, Bagus Takwin (Faculty of Psychology, Universitas [...]

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Regional Mobility and Regional Development in Indonesia

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI Indonesia’s labor force has become increasingly mobile, both in terms of geography as well as industry. To discuss the implications of these movements on productivity and economic development, I Dewa Gede Karma Wisana, Rachmat Reksa Samudra, and Lourentius Dimas Setyonugroho of Lembaga Demografi FEB [...]

By | December 23rd, 2019|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Determinants of Contraceptive Discontinuation in Indonesia

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI Indonesia’s fertility rate has declined smoothly during most of the New Order up to the early Reformation era (1971-2000). However, the data shows that there has been a stagnation in the fertility rate since 2000 and an increase in contraceptive discontinuation rate since around [...]

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