institutions and economics

/Tag:institutions and economics

[FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Digitalisation and the performance of micro and small enterprises in Yogyakarta

By | December 3rd, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dengan Anna Falentina (BPS). Kamis, 19 November 2020. Presentasi ini didasarkan pada artikel yang akan terbit di Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [...]

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[Public Lecture in honour of Professor Mohammad Sadli and Professor Mubyarto] Industrial policies to escape the middle-income trap: a new structural economics approach for Indonesia

By | November 24th, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

  Public Lecture hosted by LPEM Universitas Indonesia, FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada, and ANU Indonesia Project in honour of Professor Mohammad Sadli and Professor Mubyarto with Justin Yifu Lin (Peking [...]

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[FKP hosted by BI Institute] On Socio-economic Predictors of Religious Intolerance

By | April 9th, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , |

Hariyadi (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman) during presentation Around the globe, religious tensions are on the rise. In Indonesia, the largest Muslim democracy in the world, the same issue is evident with [...]

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[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Catatan Akhir Tahun PSHK

By | February 27th, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

The year 2019 was loaded with political elements: from the simultaneous national and regional elections, transitions of leadership, to the massive protests by the end of the year.  On Thursday, [...]

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[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Prospek dan Tantangan Pembenahan Reformasi Regulasi di Pemerintahan Joko Widodo

By | February 18th, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

Entering the second term of President Joko Widodo’s administration, The Center for Legal and Policy Studies (Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan or PSHK Indonesia) hosted an FKP event on Tuesday, [...]

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