digital economy

/Tag:digital economy

[FKP hosted by KOMPAK] Hasil survey usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah di 17 provinsi di Indonesia

By | May 17th, 2021|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

FKP dengan tuan rumah Program KOMPAK dengan narasumber Hilda Fachrizah (LPEM Universitas Indonesia) dan Luluk Lusiantoro (FEB Universitas Gadjah Mada). Kamis, 1 April 2021.   KEY POINTS: Usaha mikro, kecil [...]

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[FKP hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik] Digitalisation and the performance of micro and small enterprises in Yogyakarta

By | December 3rd, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

FKP dengan tuan rumah Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dengan Anna Falentina (BPS). Kamis, 19 November 2020. Presentasi ini didasarkan pada artikel yang akan terbit di Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies [...]

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[FKP hosted by PSHK Indonesia] Kerangka Hukum Kebijakan E-Commerce di Indonesia

By | February 26th, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

The growth of e-commerce transactions in Indonesia reached USD 12.2 billion in 2018, making it one of the largest markets in Southeast Asia. As a response, the government has issued [...]

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[FKP hosted by Lembaga Demografi FEB UI] Digital Economy Impacts to the Balance of Payments and the National Real Sector Account

By | January 9th, 2020|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

Photo courtesy: Lembaga Demografi FEB UI The utilization of digital technologiy is believed to significantly boost a country’s economy. In Indonesia, the impact is estimated to be a 3% increase [...]

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[FKP hosted by LIPI] Peran Fintech Bagi UMKM: Peluang dan Tantangan

By | October 7th, 2019|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , , |

On Thursday, 4 April 2019, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) hosted the first FKP seminar of the month, which included presentations on two topics: 1)  the challenges and opportunities [...]

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