Summary report

/Summary report

[FKP hosted by Universitas Pattimura] Improving artisanal fisheries and small-scale sago farming to support food security in Maluku

By | May 8th, 2023|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , |

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Pattimura dengan narasumber James Abrahamsz (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Pattimura) dan Wardis Girsang (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pattimura). Rabu, 29 Maret 2023. [...]

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[FKP hosted by Universitas Sam Ratulangi] Understanding the impact of geopolitical risk to capital investment: metals and mining industry

By | May 2nd, 2023|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , |

FKP dengan tuan rumah Universitas Sam Ratulangi dengan narasumber Lawren Julio Rumokoy (Universitas Sam Ratulangi). Tuesday, 21 March 2023. KEY POINTS: Global Risks Report 2023 dari World Economic Forum menunjukkan [...]

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[FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project] Book discussion. Ending fossil fuel subsidies: the politics of saving the planet

By | April 11th, 2023|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , |

FKP hosted by ANU Indonesia Project with Neil McCulloch (Director of The Policy Practice, UK). Wednesday, 5 April 2023. KEY POINTS: Fossil fuel subsidies are causing harm to people and [...]

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[FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia] Beyond wedlock: challenging child marriage perceptions among teenagers and parents in Indonesia

By | April 11th, 2023|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

FKP hosted by J-PAL Southeast Asia with Milda Irhamni (J-PAL Southeast Asia), Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo (Universitas Gadjah Mada and J-PAL Southeast Asia), and Santi Kusumaningrum (PUSKAPA/Center for Child Protection and [...]

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[FKP hosted by Program INOVASI] Kepemimpinan perempuan di bidang pendidikan di Indonesia

By | March 28th, 2023|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , |

FKP dengan tuan rumah Program INOVASI dengan narasumber Dirga Ardiansa (Cakra Wikara Indonesia), Cici T Wanita (INSPIRASI Foundation), Dr Praptono (Direktorat Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan [...]

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