2 July 2020. Food security and poverty in Indonesia
One important variable that contributes to the low food security in Indonesia is its high food price. Indonesia’s food price is constantly above international price for staple foods like rice [...]
One important variable that contributes to the low food security in Indonesia is its high food price. Indonesia’s food price is constantly above international price for staple foods like rice [...]
COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant challenges to the future of global trade and investment as the need to restrict interpersonal interactions has undermined the interconnectedness that forms the basis global [...]
Pada pertengahan April 2020, diperkirakan sekitar 1,5 miliar siswa di seluruh dunia tidak dapat bersekolah karena munculnya pandemi COVID-19. Dalam jumlah tersebut termasuk di dalamnya kurang lebih 45 juta siswa [...]
Webinar Rabu, 17 Juni 2020 pukul 10.00-11.30 WIB Gratis dan terbuka untuk umum. Ikuti lewat Zoom via bit.ly/FKP-INOVASI-17Jun2020 (registrasi diperlukan) Ikuti lewat YouTube via https://www.youtube.com/user/ANUIndonesiaProject/ (tidak perlu registrasi) Tersedia alih [...]
This paper investigates the causal impacts of mining fiscal systems on generating resource rents from oil and gas extraction using fixed-effects panel model. This study covers 82 oil and gas [...]