

Kamis, 20 Juni 2024. Mendorong peningkatan kesejahteraan di Kawasan Konservasi Perairan

By | June 6th, 2024|Categories: Announcement, Juni 2024, Past seminars|

Pemerintah Indonesia, melalui dokumen “MPA Vision 2030”, telah menetapkan target untuk mewujudkan 32,5 juta hektare kawasan konservasi perairan yang secara efektif dapat menjaga keanekaragaman hayati laut serta sumber daya perikanan. [...]

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Webinar in honor of Professor Iwan Jaya Azis. The Indonesian economy and the surrounding regions in the 21st Century

By | May 19th, 2024|Categories: May 2024, Summary report|Tags: , , |

In this webinar friends, colleagues, and former students celebrate the remarkable academic journey, profound influences, and invaluable contributions of Professor Iwan Jaya Azis. Additionally, a book dedicated to his legacy [...]

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[18th Sadli Lecture hosted by LPEM FEB UI & ANU Indonesia Project] Broken ladders? Labor market inequality in Indonesia and India

By | May 17th, 2024|Categories: May 2024, Summary report|Tags: , , , |

The annual Sadli Lecture is a collaboration between the Institute for Economic and Social Research (Universitas Indonesia) and the Indonesia Project (The Australian National University). Named in honour of the late [...]

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Kamis, 30 Mei 2024. Embracing digital transformation and its impact on inclusive growth

By | May 13th, 2024|Categories: Announcement, May 2024, Past seminars|

This seminar is hosted by Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya in Palembang. The seminar will feature research by faculty members on issues related to digital transformation and its impact on [...]

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