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So far webfkp has created 373 blog entries.

20 August 2021. Indonesian behavioural change experiences in tackling the future pandemics and socio-economic challenges

By | August 12th, 2021|Categories: Announcement, August 2021, Past seminars|Tags: |

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, two main issues have impeded Indonesia's ability to hold back the spread of the virus effectively. First, there were instances where public policy was not clear, [...]

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26 August 2021. Investigating the effects of minimum wages on employment, unemployment and labour participation in Java, Indonesia: a dynamic spatial panel approach

By | August 12th, 2021|Categories: Announcement, August 2021, Past seminars|Tags: |

Using district level data for urban areas in Java, we reassess the impacts of minimum wages on formal and informal sector employment, unemployment and labour participation. We employ the spatial [...]

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31 August 2021. Pendekatan budaya dalam menanggulangi COVID-19

By | August 12th, 2021|Categories: Announcement, August 2021, Past seminars|Tags: |

Manajemen menghadapi bencana secara budaya tersimpan dalam memori kolektif sebuah komunitas. Pada umumnya, memori kolektif itu dapat berbentuk cerita rakyat, nyanyian, pantun, atau petuah dalam bahasa daerah. Saat ini, Indonesia [...]

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3 September 2021. Local budget resilience in the time of COVID-19: evidence from Indonesia

By | August 12th, 2021|Categories: Announcement, Past seminars, September 2021|Tags: |

During the COVID-19 pandemic the budget transfer from the central government to local governments have decreased due to lower revenues. This creates a challenge for local governments, especially since they [...]

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9 September 2021. Melestarikan hutan, menyejahterakan masyarakat: cerita perhutanan sosial dari Kabupaten Enrekang, Bantaeng dan Ende

By | August 12th, 2021|Categories: Announcement, Past seminars, September 2021|Tags: |

Pembicara: Syofia Agustini (Article 33 Indonesia) Agus Pratiwi (Article 33 Indonesia) Hamsir (Pemerintah Kabupaten Enrekang) Kamis, 9 September at 13.00-15.00am WIB Ikuti lewat Zoom (registrasi tidak diperlukan):bit.ly/3DCLPZT atau lewat YouTube [...]

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