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So far webfkp has created 372 blog entries.

21 March 2023. Understanding the impact of geopolitical risk to capital investment: application to the metals and mining industry

By | March 1st, 2023|Categories: Announcement, March 2023, Past seminars|Tags: |

Geopolitical risk (GPR) is “the risk associated with wars, terrorist acts, and tensions between states affecting the normal and peaceful course of international relations." Since the introduction of the GPR [...]

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29 March 2023. Improving artisanal fisheries and small scale sago farming to support food security in Maluku

By | March 1st, 2023|Categories: Announcement, March 2023, Past seminars|Tags: |

Presentation 1: Sustainable marine resource management and conservation development in small islands: a case in Maluku Speaker: James Abrahamsz (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Pattimura) Maluku archipelagic regions [...]

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2023 FKP Roadshow. Small and medium enterprises, digitalization and alternative livelihoods

By | February 23rd, 2023|Categories: Announcement, February 2023, Past seminars|Tags: |

Small and medium enterprises are a significant source of income and employment in many developing countries, including Indonesia. In addition to directly supplying products and services to consumers, they also [...]

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[FKP hosted by SMERU] Menciptakan unicorn baru: talenta digital dan ekosistem yang mendukung

By | February 22nd, 2023|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , , |

FKP dengan tuan rumah The SMERU Research Institute dengan narasumber Palmira P. Bachtiar (Peneliti Senior, SMERU), Danang Juffry (Community Manager, Google), Hana Nur Auliana (Corporate Strategy Executive, Waste4Change), dan Benedikta [...]

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[FKP hosted by BAPPENAS] Export diversification in Indonesia: Dutch Disease and policy options

By | February 22nd, 2023|Categories: Summary report|Tags: , , |

FKP dengan tuan rumah BAPPENAS dengan narasumber Deasy Pane, Hilda Rochmawati, dan Indra Muhammad (BAPPENAS). Kamis, 20 Oktober 2022. KEY POINTS: Selama beberapa dekade terakhir ekspor Indonesia sangat bergantung pada [...]

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