Karawang Regency, known as rice-producing region, is now experiencing tremendous industrial growth. However, land use changes due to the development of industrial areas could increase the risk of flood. In addition, the regional planning  instrument has not yet comprehensively prioritized the flood risk. This research aims to provide a planning concept for industrial region in flood-prone areas to achieve sustainable development. The research method used is mixed method. The study showed: (1) changes in environmental setting were due to land use changes from rice fields and secondary forest into settlements and industrial areas; and coverage of built-up areas is increasing by 126% within 30 years period; (2) land use changes increase the disaster risk, indicated by the projection of run-off that has 0.30% incline in the Year 2030; and  (3) there is a strong correlation between environmental factor and flood impact. Disaster-risk model planning with structural and non-structural mitigation is an option for sustainable development in industrial areas.

Pembicara: Dr Aruminingsih (BAPPENAS)

Selasa, 1 Oktober 2024 jam 10.00-11.30 WIB. Acara akan berlangsung hybrid di Jakarta dan online di Zoom

Tempat: Ruang Rapat Papua lantai 5. Menara Bappenas, Jl H. R. Rasuna Said Kav. B2, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Registrasi kehadiran luring: bit.ly/fkp1001_luring

Registrasi kehadiran daring: bit.ly/fkp1001