Can an information campaign through a short movie change the beliefs and perception influencing child marriage among teenagers and parents in Indonesia?
For the last decade, Indonesia has experienced a decreasing rate of child marriage incidence. Nevertheless, in several provinces, the number of cases still surpasses the national average. One of the challenges is the bias in the perception on the costs and benefit of child marriage practices among teenagers and their parents.
This study examined whether an informational campaign, through a short movie, can change the beliefs and perceptions influencing child marriage among teenagers and parents, including the persistent and sensitive perceptions born out of religious beliefs. Researchers used insights from the exploratory study to write a script and create two versions of a 25-minute short movie, which aimed to change the viewers’ perceptions and attitudes toward child marriage.
Researchers conducted a cluster randomized controlled trial in six East and Central Java districts with high incidences of child marriage.
Thursday, 16 March 2023 at 14.30-16.00 WIB
Register for in person attendance at J-PAL SEA in Jakarta
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