Hadi Soesastro was one of the finest international public intellectuals of his generation through the Western Pacific region.  Australia and Indonesia each have large roles to play in the global effort to stop catastrophic climate change—as suppliers of inputs into the zero-carbon economy, as well as large exporters of fossil carbon. Our cooperation in developing new zero-carbon export industries can increase the chances and lower the costs of the world achieving net zero emissions in good time. Hadi Soesastro’s thoughts on concerted unilateral action and on Open Regionalism are essential to a global solution.

The 2024 Hadi Soesatro Policy Forum speaker is Professor (Emeritus) Ross Garnaut AC. Professor Garnaut is an economist whose career has been built around the analysis of and practice of policy connected to development, economic policy and international relations in Australia, Asia and the Pacific. He has held senior roles in universities, business, government and other Australian and international institutions.

He is Professor Emeritus with the Australian National University and the University of Melbourne. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences and a Distinguished Fellow of the Economic Society of Australia. In addition, Ross is a Distinguished Life Member of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society and also an Honorary Professor of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Ross Garnaut was Australian Ambassador to China (1985–1988) and has led many high-level Government Reviews and Commissions including the Garnaut Climate Change Review (2008) for the Australian Government. He was also appointed as an independent expert advisor to the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee in September 2010 and was commissioned in November 2010 by the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to update significant elements of his 2008 Climate Change Review.

Ross has been a Director of ZEN Energy since 2015.

Discussants: Professor Mari Pangestu (CSIS and Universitas Indonesia) and Dr Masyita Crystallin (Special adviser to Indonesia’s Minister of Finance)

Moderator: Dr Djisman Simanjuntak (CSIS)

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 at 09:30-12:30 WIB (Hybrid in English)

Location: CSIS Auditorium, Pakarti Centre Building, 3th Floor, Jl. Tanah Abang III No. 23-27, Jakarta 10160
In-person RSVP and Registration: rsvp.csis.or.id/HSPF2024
Online: This event will be livestreamed via the CSIS Youtube channel: live.csis.or.id/HSPF2024. Please note this link will not become active until the event starts.

About the Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum. The Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum is an annual economic and policy forum in Jakarta, jointly hosted by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the ANU Indonesia Project. It aims to disseminate and engage discussion on Indonesia’s public policies.

About Hadi Soesatro. Hadi Soesastro (1945 – 2010) was one of Indonesia’s foremost economists and he was well regarded both nationally and internationally. Hadi’s trail of thoughts can be found in all processes and ideas on architecture of regional cooperation such as ASEAN and APEC, and many other multilateral forums (Pangestu, 2010). A tremendous loss was felt with his passing, not only in Indonesia, but also amongst international academics and policy makers. “Professor Hadi Soesastro fostered warm relations between Australians and Indonesians,” Australia’s Foreign Minister Bob Carr said when announcing the creation of the Australia Awards Hadi Soesastro Prize in April 2013. The late Hadi Soesastro was a co-founder of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and an adjunct professor at the Australian National University. He also received an Honorary Doctor of Letters degree from the Australian National University in July 2009.

For information on past Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum events click here.